Sunday, September 13, 2015

Flashback-5 Years

AtHomeNinja is FIVE YEARS OLD!
Original 2010 pic, Puu
Can you believe that?  I can't. :p  Five years ago we were living in Pennsylvania where I created my first Pokemon hat and then Puu.  Two of them actually but I'll get to that in a minute.  In 5 years we've had 5 addresses.  Now we have our Forever Home and I'm still so happy.

I love to crochet.  It's saved my nerves and gotten on them but I've created hundreds of things that bring enjoyment to people and though I've never made even a penny on this site, it's been worth the blogging. :)

Anyway, I received an email out of the blue the other day asking about my Yu Yu Hakusho inspired Puu!  He was my second article on this blog.  Wow, that was way back in the way back.  I wasn't even sure I still had the pattern.  I thought I'd seen it in my files but it's a text document and parts are missing because...well I was winging it.  Five years ago I wasn't exactly sure how to read patterns much less to write one.  I found the pattern and got to work.  There's still a bunch to do and I'm fixing him here and there where I was clearly a noob in the craft department.  The first one was a disaster.  He was too big.  The stitches were too large and holey and stuffing was awful.  I don't think I ever took a picture of him but the kids still pull it out from under a bed every so often ... to play with the dog.  No not really but I feel that way when I see it.  They still adore it though.

Being that this is my 5 year project,  when I have completed the pattern I am going to post it here for ... FREE.  Yep. Free.  I've never posted a free pattern.  I think it's wonderful for those that post all of their stuff for free.  For me it seems they must make good money at what they do or have a good stream of people clicking ads.  I do not and it's why I stuck with selling on Etsy.  I live in a small town where there are no yarn shops, no shops to sell my hats or projects in and no good way for me to start up a shop myself and have revenue.  Back in the day Etsy was a wonderful way for crafters to sell their hand worked items.  Now it's a flooded market.  Five years ago I had seen knitted Princess Leia hats but they didn't look the way I saw them in my mind so I created new ones in crochet.  I probably made $200 that Halloween.  Since then there are tons of them on Etsy and to be seen you have to refresh your items daily to catch even one person's eye.  Costing you and not always making a sale.  IF someone happens upon your shop they favorite your things and never return to purchase.  It's just the way it goes.  Ravelry is better for the hand worked craft community, crochet, knit, etc but they don't have the easy layout of Etsy or Craftsy.  Then there's Craftsy that tries to get you to purchase their tutorials all the time.  It's not easy making handmade crafts.

Anyway, here's a reminder pic of Puu the Spirit Beast from Yu Yu Hakusho. :)  He'll be out sometime this week so hang in there and enjoy some of my other posts while you're hanging about. :D

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Helpful, Handy Crochet Hints and Tips

This morning Repeat Crafter Me (of which I'm a huge fan) posted this picture and a link to her facebook page from Free Crochet Patterns showing the different sizes of blankets.  I was so excited by the link that I saved all those images and some that I've collected on the internet and put them all into this one PDF.  I have already printed out the three pages to keep with my printed patterns. I hope you find them helpful and useful!

PDF of Helpful Crochet

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Happy Mother's Day

And so it began, in 1976 a beautiful, young, 28 year old woman, Wanda, gave birth to a little girl.  Wanda loved that little girl with all of her heart and that baby girl loved her.

After much cooing and soiling of diapers the baby girl noticed a teeny change in mommy.

Another baby was born just shy of two years later.

Wanda loved both of her girls.  She wouldn't let anything or anyone come between the three of them.  Those who tried regretted it dearly.  She taught these girls love, compassion, strength through adversity and equality.  They learned how hard things could be but that with love and family you could make it through even the darkest of times.

Those girls grew big and sassy but through it all they loved their mother.

Wanda put everything aside to make sure her girls were cared for.  She put her happiness on hold so her kids would have a roof over their heads and food in their bellies.

Wanda was beautiful, inside and out.  She had a wicked sense of humor.  She loved a bowl of ice cream and sitting down to watch Golden Girls with her mom, who she lived with and cared for.  She worked at the Help Center on Saturdays and would donate money so that she could get a bag of clothes to give to folks who needed them but couldn't get up there to get things themselves.  She cared for her mother who was her very best friend and she raised two, sometimes ornery, daughters who adored her.

In May 1999 she became ill and no one knew why.  After 8 days in the hospital, the machines fell silent.  Wanda's struggles were over, her pains were gone.  She left behind few bills, lots of material items, many many friends, family who adored her, people she'd touched with her kindness and two daughters who were lost in a sea of questions, sadness and loneliness with a deep dark hole where once had been her light in a long tunnel.

When my grandfather, mom's dad, had died mom told us "There are things in this world you won't understand.  Things that hurt and questions that won't be answered.  Papa is gone but part of him will always be with us.  He's always nearby and he's gone to build a home for our family in heaven so that we will all be together with him someday.  If heaven seems to far, think of it as Arizona.  It's a long way away but one day you'll get to go and we'll all be together where the streets are as gold and love abounds."

I don't remember any Mother's Days I shared with mom.  I remember cards and gifts but I don't remember what they were or her reactions.  A year after we lost mom we had her first grandchild, a boy.  Then sis had one a few years later, I had another one and then sis had another one.  Four grandsons staggered in age.  She'd be so proud of her daughters, their husbands and her grandbabies.  I know she's with us always and though Arizona is far away I know one day we'll all be together in the home she's helping build and adding rooms to for all of us.

Today is Mother's Day.
I miss mom to the depths of my being but I know that I have a wonderful sister, two fantastic half sisters and another half sister I have yet to reach out to (we've only just learned about her) that are all mother's celebrating this day.  Not just because we have awesome moms but because we ARE awesome moms.

I am fortunate, on this Mother's Day because I have a freaking fabulous husband who loves the hell out of me.  Even when I'm bonkers, he loves me.  I have two loonytoon children who are healthy, happy and love me completely (even when they are aholes).  I have a beautiful home and sunshine on my shoulder.  No matter what is thrown my way, I have abundant love in my life.  That was brought to me by a little lady named Wanda, est. 1948, born in me 1976, Tif 1978, Legs 2000, Seth 2003, Lil Bit 2005 and Sid 2007.

Legs and Lil Bit 2005, 2012 and 2014.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

DIY Craftyness with plastic bottles!

I thought I'd make this a DIY Wednesday!
I found lots of lovely ideas on DIY All Things on Facebook this morning (link to their blog) and it got me looking all around for more fun ideas!

I also found two wonderful ideas on DIYnCrafts blog. I think if you use just small child water bottles (empty of course) with glow sticks you could float them in the pool or bathtub! The other is a Privacy Curtain made from the bottoms of 2 liter or 20oz bottles. They could be painted different colors as well.

And the last one I found on pinterest.  I just searched for Plastic Bottle Crafts and these came up.  This one is just for plastic bottle bird houses or feeding stations.  You could fill them with seeds and place a little landing out side the front for them. :)

I think that's about it for now.  If you have other ideas, comment them!

Sunday, May 3, 2015

She's havin a baby

Not newborns but one of my favs
I have a friend who is just a few weeks out from having her first baby. For those of us who have been there, done that I thought maybe we could throw some memories and helpful advice from labor/delivery/first days toward the new mom and dad to maybe help them ease into it. I'll get us started, since, you know, it's my blog.

Labor/Deliver :
I went in to my first one thinking "Oh my, I simply must stick to my birthing plan and have no drugs unless absolutely medically necessary"  And that worked out smashingly until I'd been in labor for 12 solid hours.  Long story short, trial and error... epidural.  I'm a huge fan.  Yes, they do have to put it in the spine.  Yes you have to stay completely still (with the help of your hubs because you can't just stay still in contractions).  Totally worth it.  Do a leave in.  They set it up just like a PICC line in your arm but if the labor drags on you do NOT want to have to try to stay still for a second epi.  It didn't make me crazy, it let me focus on pushing but without the intense pains.  I could still feel pressure and enjoy (if you want to call it that) the birthing process.  It doesn't make you weak that you take pain meds.  It does not make you a bad person that you can't hack it.  We have those medications there for a reason.  You have a headache, you take tylenol.  You have a baby, you epidural.  If you can go natural, all for it.  If you can't, don't sweat it.  I hated myself for ages because "Native women use to squat by trees and push out their babies...I can do this"  No, no they didn't. 

Dad...know this. 
1)  It's gross in there.  I kid you not.  See the baby's head or whatever but know that afterbirth is like a whole other child.  My hubs wishes he'd never even seen that part. LOL  Poor thing.  Freaked him out.
2)  Your wife may say and do things in there that she would not ordinarily do.  Pretend it never happened.  There is enormous pressure down and ... well ... poop.  There may or may not be poop.  The room will be 80+ degrees for when baby is born and it will be hot, and smelly. 
3)  If you do video and pictures, do a during labor and "aw they're cleaning the baby" but she will want to look beautiful for first pics.  Mine are scary. may poop.  Don't be embarrassed, you just push.  Doc, nurses, there is NOTHING they have not seen.  I promise you.  If you need oxygen, ask for it.  If something feels wrong, tell them.  If you have questions, ask them.  It's their job.  OH but if they ask you if you mind nursing students coming in or shift change nurses...just say no.  It's your vagina, not a side show.  You think "it'll help some nursing student" maybe, but before you know it you have 15 people in there ooing and awing your vajay and you don't want to look back on that and say ugh. 

Whether you are for or against vaccinations, let them do the K Vitamin and all of that.  SO many parents are against vaccinating these days and that's fine for you but there are thousands of babies who die because their parents choose not to do the initial stuff.  Do you feel bad when baby gets a little stick? Absolutely, but tears that dry vs. losing the lil thing or blindness/death from infections it couldn't fight is much worse.

What do you really need at the hospital?
Honestly, not as much as you think.  One change of clothes for you.  Yes, you'll still need all your maternity stuff after the baby's born.  I know you think "oh thank God, I can put on regular clothes again", think again.  You'll need to wear them a while longer.  But not long.  You'll still be swollen so stretchy pants are best.  Keep using lotion.  Bring something to sleep in, you'll want out of the gown pretty quick.  Music, of course.  Camera for tons of pics.  Extra batteries.  Tablet, laptop or something for when baby is sleeping and one or two outfits for baby.  Have your baby bag ready.  Always have 10 or so diapers in there, more wipes than you think you'd ever need (the first week's poos are sticky), baby lotion and burp cloths.  I took way too much for the first one.  Remember, your husband can go get more if you need it.

At Home:
Sleep when baby sleeps.  I can't stress this enough.  The first week will be a blur.  If dad or grandma can keep the baby while you sneak in a few z's here and there, do it.  I felt so guilty with my first because I wanted to be there for every moment.  Don't.  You know who is there with you every two hours when baby wants boobie?  Dad.  And news flash but baby don't want those boobs.  You won't have enough milk to use the pump the first week so you may have to supplement with formula.  It's not bad parenting.  You can use breast milk with formula if you need to.  The important thing is that baby eats, sleeps and poops.  You've got this.

Breast pain sucks.  LaLeche has tons of tips and they say "During the first two to four days after birth, the mother's nipples may feel tender".  Tender isn't the word I'd have used for mine.  I cried and muffled yelps.  I didn't want to try creams and wanted to be a big girl.  Lanolin based creams are a blessing.  I used Lansinoh but there are lots of new things.  Once they learn latching on it won't hurt.  When you want them to unlatch and switch boobs they will either have fallen asleep and come off anyway or you'll need to put your finger in there to loosen suction.

Double breast pumps will help the milk drop.  If you use single the other boob may start leaking. 

Buy breast pads.  I used Lansinoh again but if you choose fabric, keep lots on hand to change out of.  RELAX.  Take deep breaths, envision the milk flowing if that helps.  It did for me. 

Nursing bra's are amazing.  You'll want at least 2 if not 3.  Milk goes everywhere and the last thing you want is to feel gross, uncomfortable or to smell like old breast milk.  I nursed each child for 1 full year.  My kids were huge and were so ready to get off of there.  So they will get their uses and it's not a waste of money, I promise. 

Swelling.  Oh the engorgement.  I sure don't miss that.  Cabbage leaves.  Keep a head of cabbage in the fridge and slap a leaf of that in your bra cups.  Sounds bonkers.  It really helps.

Things I couldn't live without:
Carseat/stroller combo.  My aunt bought our first and it was like the Cadillac of strollers.  So for the 2nd kid I had to have one.  I walked around malls and let him sleep while I tightened up the mommy weight and had a nice cold drink and "outside" time.  (It was July in Savannah, GA so a hot day in the park wasn't happening.) 

Infantino convertible carriers are amazing.  You can't take a stroller everywhere.  You say "well between me and the hubby or family, someone will have the baby".  Yes but family reunions, etc there won't be a good spot for mom and baby to go when baby wants a nap.  You may not have a playpen or bassinet yet.  Your arms will get tired for a while.  Your family takes the baby to "show uncle Leo" and you're spinning your wheels asking everyone "have you seen the baby?"  And believe it or not, it makes breastfeeding in public easier too.  You go to the shops, stop to feed, just toss a light blanket over your shoulder and bam, privacy. 

We didn't buy a crib for the second baby.  Nope.  Sure didn't.  We didn't have room anywhere and we traveled a lot so we got something like this... Graco Pack'n Play was amazing.  Had it's own bassinet and baby was too small to get out.  On that one the swing is amazing and you'll want one anyway.

I think they each had one toy they cared about.  The others were just in the way.  Mine loved to squish those micro bead toys during nap times.  Gotta be there with them though or they'll have it over their face.

That's all I can think of for now.  If I can think of anything else I'll add it to the comments and you should too!  It's been almost 10 years since I've had a baby in the house so things have changed but one thing stays the same, it's the most wonderful experience anyone can have.  You are truly blessed.  Times will be hard but you're not the only parents to experience them and we're here to listen and offer help. :)

Monday, April 27, 2015

There it lies...

Monday.  The last Monday of April.  Monday.  Start of 3-5 days of chocolate and coffee consumption beyond reasonable amounts.  Monday on the week of TCAPs.  Where is my motivation?  Friday.  My motivation will arrive on Friday.  Probably on the wings of angels or something magnificent.  Creativity?  Hm.  Not had that in a few weeks.  Handsome Hubby's the one that's been rocking out these benches, I'm just helping move wood, paint wood and wash brushes.  I can't think of a thing that would be great to crochet and when I do it, nothing moves.  sigh.

I've considered taking on a full time job.  That's right, outside of the home.  However, this summer I'll be keeping my two nephews one if not two full days each week.  Handsome Hubs works from home doing not one but THREE full time jobs and keeping LilBit happy and quiet is hard enough (Legs is a teenager, he'll be on the computer or cell phone all day) but add two nephews in there and it's near impossible to get anything else done.  Plus we've doubled the size of our garden, have about 12 blueberry bushes that output all summer, strawberry plants already blooming, blackberry bushes that the nephews help me pick and clear off and possibly 2-5 young ladies (daughters of my friend Leila) that may come visit so their mom can find a moment of sanity. I'm not sure where to squeeze in full time employment. lol

Okay, procrastination.  I've got to get a shower dude.  Get behind me Satan, I've got a Monday to tackle!!

The good news?  Only 3 more Mondays left in the school year! Wait.  Is that good news?

Friday, April 24, 2015

So much for the last day of Frost

The final frost date of the year was about a week and a half ago.  That's almost never the case but it's like Daylight Savings Time, it's a made up la-la-land kind of thing that's just to make some old fart in DC happy and feel like he's accomplished something.  Yep, Frost Warning for last night/this morning. So last night after a dinner of Walmart frozen Chinese food (yeah I said it but I make that stuff gooood), Handsome Hubby and I waddled out to the strawberry garden to pull a tarp and piece of plastic over our strawberries.  At the moment they are the only things in the ground (from last year) and we don't want to lose those little guys.

That means this morning, 6am freakin Casio sounding alarm clock strikes.  Pft, it's Friday and the kids don't care, dog barking, yup, 10 more minutes.  He can wait.  Abuse? Nope he's a year old, that's bladder control buddy.  So 6:10 I drag out of bed, throw on a bra (ugh) and jeans and stumble to the kids rooms.  LilBit, already up watching videos.  "The dog's been barking for 10 minutes.  Are you even dressed?"  LilBit: "Nah."  He continues to blah blah and I walk out.

Legs fell asleep on the couch at 6:30-7pm last night but found his room in the night sometime.  He's awake but not up.  Down the stairs.  Let the dog out and tell him he needs to be quiet.  He's learning the art of SHH.  Then it's over to the coffee, down the stairs to find something sports team related because it's Sports Team dress up day at school.  They're doing this to get money for Relay for Life this year but instead of an actual Relay they're having them dress up on Fridays and bring a dollar for 2 months.  Can't see the error in that. sigh.

Nothing in the basement.  Nothing on the first floor.  Panting, I go let the dog in.  It's 37 degrees afterall.  I take him up to LilBit's room and deposit him there so I can go outside.  The sun is very nearly up and I've got to uncover the strawberries.  Uncover those and leave that crap in the yard.  Whatever, it's not strawberries.  Come in, go release the dog and find a Steelers jacket for LilBit.  Throw clothes on both kids bed, unspeaking, and walk out.  I'll see those little boogers in 15 minutes.  Oh Lord 15 minutes? It's only 6:30?? sigh. It's going to be a long day.  But at least we'll have strawberries this summer. I don't have strawberry pics so instead you get the onions planted last spring bloomed this spring with bumblebees and our indoor tomato plants...Lego For Scale :p

How has your gardening fared?

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Not a dog groomer

I'm a lot of things around here, wife, mom, 80s music in-van lounge singer, bad dancer, sometimes cook and cleaner, crafter, off my rocker, but dog groomer I am not.  I don't keep up with grooming like I should.  Our Miniature Schnauzer, Moose, dislikes it and just wants to lie down and shake lightly instead of being groomed standing.  It takes me longer than I'd like because I wait too long to do it.  The first "after winter" grooming I did (because he should have longer hair for warmth and let's face it, they're cute when they're all curly) I wished I'd had sheep sheers.  Seriously, I said that.  Hubby was against it but we watched it on Dr Pol so it has to be legal.

Last night I finished the groom job and while Moose is hardly ever stationary, it's a beautiful day out and he's walking a path past my already unruly Apple Mint plants.  Those, by the way, are for sale.  The dog is not.  Most days.  He is pretty cute though. :)

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

A Day in the Life...

Just so I can look back at this after my nervous breakdown and say "oh yeah, THAT'S why", I've decided that today is the day I'm going to blog my whole day's events.  If you don't have coffee, grab some.

I only have a moment now so I'll post the time, what's gone on and edit later when I have more moments.  *HA This will be a poor decision*Shhhhhh, who asked you* :p

6am -- Alarm goes off.  I'm not entirely sure wth that noise is but I don't like it.  As I roll over I think "that shouldn't be going off, it's Sunday".  To my dismay I realized it was Tuesday.  I have a full day of stuff going on so I lovingly rubbed hubby's chest to make him roll over and hit snooze. :)

6:10 - 7am -- This thing again.  It hates me.  Hubby mumbles "I'm sorry" and hits snooze.  I'm certain he was still dreaming.  I, however, mumble incoherently...yeah, even to me, and get up.  I don't even bother to hit the bathroom yet because that will wake the dog in the bathroom below and he'll yelp and bark until someone lets him outside.  The bathroom is his "room" for the nights.  It's dark, the kids don't bother him and it's his comfort zone.  His bar-less crate, if you will.

So I stumble into LilBit's room.  This is always a crapshoot.  Some mornings he's up and watching a video on his computer, or by some miracle from above he's downstairs and has already let the dog out.  This morning he's sleeping hard.  At least his glasses are off. sigh.  Kiss his forehead "Baby, it's 6:10, you wanted to get up early so you have game time before school.  Don't forget that I won't be coming back up here until time for the bus, so get up.  I have to go wake your brother for a shower." LilBit : "whhuuut?" I repeat what I said and start out of the room.  LilBit : "wait, what? wait. Can you make me something to eat?" I return and say "Of course, but I have to wake your brother, get the dog out and get some coffee.  I promise to feed you but you have to be up for that. Cmon baby." and off I go to the other kid's room.

This goes more quickly.  "Legs, time to get up.  You've got to get your shower, okay?" nods. "Okay, cmon baby I'll start the shower." I start the shower, finally get to pee and as I'm leaving the room Legs is ready to go in.  I go back to his room, grab socks and undies and slip them through the crack in the door of the bathroom.  LilBit is up and shirt on.  He's mumbling something or other about a game dream he had and I hand him pants.  Let the dog out.  He wants to jump and love but I'm totally not awake or caffeinated enough for that.  On the lead, he goes out.  LilBit wants cereal (don't judge) so he grabs the milk and spoon, I grab two coffee cups (Hubs will be up eventually) and a bowl.  Cereal poured, sugars placed in cups, my coffee poured, creamered and milk in the cereal.  BOOM! I'm on a roll now!

LilBit is watching Garfield on Neflix and eating, Legs is still in the shower and I'm reading local news and hitting up Facebook.  Sue me.  6:45am comes around and it's time to crack the whip.  Go upstairs to make sure Legs is out and he is.  He's dressed but he's under the covers, towel on his wet hair and tissue sticking out of  his nose.  "No way kid.  You were out yesterday with sinus problems and headaches, you've got to go today.  You'll only be there til 1:30 and I have to get you to the dentist."  He hands me the tissue. "LAWD NO.  I'll bring you the trash can, I'm not touching your snot-rag."  At least he laughed but got up and finished his readiness.  I head off to grab a shirt that I've not slept all night in and wake Hubs.  His boss will probably call early this morning (he works from home for a company in Virginia) so I want him lucid-ish.  Kissy kissy, I hit his snooze again and go downstairs.  LilBit's ready, Legs is ready, dog...well I can't put him out he'll bark for ever and not only wake Hubs in a bad mood but Mom-In-Law in her little house next door so um, I turn on the lights in the basement and in he goes. I whisper "shhh" and let him know I'll be right back.  He's usually VERY good and is only in there 10 minutes or so.

TV off, Kids ready, Coffee slurped, grab keys and head out the door.  It's 45 degrees, br.  At least the sun is shining.  Van's cold, wet, back wiper doesn't work, side windows soaked but wiper works.  Drive to the end of our long driveway *yup, lazy.  We walk when we have time but didn't this morning*  This is where I give the usually lectures and go over the day's plan.

Me : "I'll pick you guys up somewhere around 1:30.  LilBit, I've already emailed both your teachers, they should have your progress report ready for you, if not, we'll get it tomorrow so no big deal.  Be aware that you'll be in trouble because your online grade shows 34 in Science." 

LilBit : "Why would I be in trouble?"  An eyebrow raises and head tilts "Dooood." sigh.

I look in the back, "Legs, I've emailed...everyone.  Your homeroom teacher knows you'll be leaving and will try to get your so Advanced Choir before you check out.  If you have time, go get it.  If not, tomorrow." nods.

LilBit : "Why would I be in trouble?"

Me : "For freaking... seriously...34? Really??"

School bus rolls up, out they go with much "love you, love you, love you" and "Have a wonderful day and I'll see you soon!"  I start to back up and LilBit is standing on the far side of the bus, still waving at me. Awwwww :D That's mommy's baby. :)  I'm not mad, however I do want to slap my damn head. sigh.

It's only 7am people.  7AM.  I back down the driveway with my door open because I'm in a van that's got some weird Titanic drenched windows going on.  WTH is that?  Something dead?  Yep, something dead in the yard by the woods.  May be a rabbit.  Wasn't there yesterday.  No face.  Interesting.  Not enough coffee for this, keep it in reverse, let dog out of the basement and outside so he can be sure his boys are really gone.  Hubs gets up at 7:15, I'm already pouring and stirring his coffee.  His feet hit the first floor and his cell phone rings.  Work has begun.  Me? Staring at an unfinished project I'm sewing and blogging this till nearly 8. sigh.  Gotta go get that dead thing and pitch it over the fence. ew.

**LilBit's grade is low because they are on a 9 Week schedule here.  This is the middle of that 9 weeks.  They only have 4 grades for Science because they missed about a full week in snow days when 2 ice storms hit.  He has 3 daily grades and one test grade.  The test was actually a worksheet he had a week to turn in but lost it and made a 0.  No make up.  *smh* 100 on one daily that was actually Science related.  The other two grades are for the TN TCAP stuff.  He's having to be graded on the review sheets for the Standardized Tests they'll take next week sometime.  He made a 64 and 38 so now his overall grade is 34 for this semester.  I've emailed and emailed the teacher and she's not responded.  sigh.  It's been a long year.**

Breaktime.  I'll edit and put the time edited, all day so feel free to check back.  Bring coffee.

*EDIT 10am*
Handsome hubby, MIL and I took a check to the bank for deposit, went to Ace Hardware for poly and/or stain for a new bench/table project that handsome hubby's doing (got a beautiful redish stain for next time and decided on our own poly) and went to the store so MIL could get cigarettes and hubs pumped my gas and cleaned my windows. :D  Now back home but can't do poly because our stain is still damp.  Handsome decided to go till the garden some and I think I'll shave the dog.  He's a mini schnauzer, it's how they roll.

*EDIT 8pm*
I started shaving the dog and after about half an hour I decided to take a break, let him go out, I got some ice water for my hubby and grabbed the shovel and claw to dig out weeds around the strawberries.  That lasted me until 12:15.  I had to come in, clean up, shave the dog a tad more, get showered and be out the door by 1:10 to go to the HS, pick up Legs (who still did not turn in his dr note or bring in his progress report and didn't get out of there until almost 1:30), go get LilBit (1:40) and drive rapidly safely to the dental appointment where we arrived exactly on time.  Filled out paperwork crazy fast and went back with LilBit for his cleaning so I could ask questions.  LilBit has 3 cavities but they are tiny.  He does have a baby tooth stuck they'll have to pull.  We have an appointment set for all that in May.  Legs was next and asked that I go with him.  They pulled the 1/2 of a baby tooth that never came out but did crack, he has 2 even smaller cavities and I have his appointment set in May also.  2 doctors notes, 2 referrals (LilBit in case he needs to be knocked out for his cavities ... crazy right... and Legs for a free consultation with another doc to see about braces and payment plans), plus 2 appointment cards for May and October cleaning.

I had to stop at Dollar General on the way home to grab some 7up.  I tried to buy some Pepsi in bottles for MIL, it's her fave, and they said they couldn't sell them to me.  They were new to the store, were not in the computer and were out of date anyway.  Homeward bound.  Got home around 3:40.  Hubby The Magnificent was already working on a wonderful dinner.  He'd run out to the store and purchased some stuff to grill, made macaroni salad, got mushrooms and onions to grill and zucchini to fry.  And rolls.  It was a fabulous feast.  I helped where I could but felt kinda useless overall.  I did dishes and fried the zuke. :p  After we were so full we were sick I took the dog in to shave a bit more.  He's very nearly done and I usually get it all done at once in a couple of hours but neither of us are into all that this time.  I'll finish him tomorrow.  My exhausted hubby has crashed an hour and a half early.  The kids are somehow wired up and can't go to bed this early.  The dog is just dog tired so I'm gonna put him out and hit the sack.  If he wakes me before 6am there will be dog for lunch. *BWA HA HA HA*

Sunday, April 19, 2015

TortChore Chart

Torture.  I torture my children.  Yep, I admit it.  Every day, 7 days a week.  With Chores.  I absolutely do have a list of chores and the kids are required to do them.  I'm so horrible.

Years ago I wanted to get my boys into doing chores simply to help me out because they were in elementary/middle school and their dad was away for work.  I started a chore chart.  That never took off.  So I came up with cutting out the chores and putting the papers in a container so they could shake it and choose one to do.  It wasn't long before they were tired of that.  It came down to: *pulls paper* Nope. *puts paper in*...*pulls paper* Nope. *puts paper in*...*pulls paper*THIS AGAIN?!?

We tried lists off an on but nothing would stick.  A few months ago I offered an allowance (something I never do) for services rendered, as it were.  4th grader gets $5 per week if he completes his.  9th grader gets his cell phone paid for each month, $50 through straighttalk.  No worky, no pay, no phone.  We started again with 3 choices off of the list per week and they had 3 daily things that had to be done, make the bed, pick up laundry in their room and keep the floor clean.  After a month that went down the toilet.  They started being "forgetting" to do chores until Saturday and still expected pay.  sigh.  They were worn out and aggravated because they waited a week and had to do it all at once. 

I told these lovely children, whom I torture, that they could try something fun and just do one a day.  One chore a day and that would just take so much stress off.  They fell for it.  Suckers.  It was another two months before they realized they were doing 7 chores a week.  Of course once the bomb dropped they refused to do anything.  LilBit though had amassed a pretty good deal of money.  Legs gets his phone...or he doesn't.  Either way, I win.  It's a little bit of aggravation when I have to chase them across the house listing the blue million things I run circles around them with chore-wise but they eventually get stuff done.
This is the one I did for the kids.

Today I decided to redo the chore list.  Since they think it's torture anyway I decided to name it their Tort-chore List.  I've made a pdf so all of you delightful parents can join me in torturing your children.  Cmon, it's good for them. :D *insert devious laughter*

I used some minecraft images found all over the known world and left things blank for you to add your own tortures chores.
Click here for your PDF download

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Bunny Slippers for Easter

*Or just because you love bunnies*

I found an adorable pattern for baby bunny booties because a friend was having a granddaughter born around Easter.  I made my own for the smaller booties but purchased a pattern for toddler sizes.  I currently have a pair for a 6-9 month old ready, size 4-5 with blue and pink bows.  All three are $20 each on my Etsy shop with only $2.80 shipping.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Where did two months go??

Okay, yes, I did some major blog slacking for...twoish months.  Yep.  No denial here.  Things got kinda crazy.  We had family come in over Thanksgiving, then a rush to get things done in December before the kids were out for vacation, Christmas came and went with friends coming in from all over to visit, January flew by with the return of school, snow days, crochet work, building a new table and choir concerts.  This month we've had a birthday party and hopefully more crochet to go out the door!

SO... Today I bring to you *drum roll please* Bunny Slippers!

Yeppers, little newborn bunny slippers.  I've seen these totally adorable pair online (Etsy and Ravelry) that are just gorgeous.  Two Girls Patterns has some of the most adorable pairs of all!  Sadly, things being slow and it being right after Xmas I don't have a lot of cash in the ole pocketbook so I decided to come up with my own pattern.

I did not steal their pattern or their photos.  I'm not the first nor the last to have the idea of baby booties, I just preferred their design to others and I give them mad props for their adorable booties.  I also fully intend to purchase the ones they have for toddlers, as I don't have any in my stock pile for that size.  If you type crochet baby bunny slippers into Etsy you get roughly 192 returns so there are plenty to choose from out there.

I have done numerous things over the past month and a half to put in my shop and this was the most recent.  It all started last week *insert dream sequence transfer to the past* ... I was on facebook, as I often am, for inspiration and suggestions.  Once again I got the "ohhh you should try flip flips!" from one of the many people who think they are cute but 1) don't have girls 2) don't buy from me 3) want them in adult sizes which would be suicide in yarn flipflops.  So I found a pattern I liked and gave it another try.  I've done them before and was not satisfied with the result.  These were adorable so I put pics on FB first before I put them on Etsy. I prefer to give friends and family first dibs.  How I roll 1-0-1.  The woman who use to drive the bus my kids were on just loved them.  She's always been just wonderful to my boys and now to my nephew.  Her nephew is also one of my son's very best friends.  We'll call her Mrs. N.

Mrs. N. purchased the flip flops and wants them in pink and white.  Her granddaughter is due end of March.  So I think, why just do flip flops?  Certainly they won't want them on her to come home, March is still cool here in TN so I thought about making her some little sneaker booties I've worked on.  Nope.  My skeleton fingers just can't make them small enough for a newborn.  Okay so what else?  Easter is around her due date so why not bunnies?!  Found the image on pinterest, went to Etsy, decided I could do that and had at it. :D  I surprised her with them on Friday along with her flip flops.  I refused to take any money for the second pair because, well they're a gift.  It's the least I can do because she doesn't just drive a bus, she LOVES "her kids" and always worked with me when the boys had issues.  So, for good measure (and now that I've already told you all about the flippy floppies anyway) here are the 3-6 month flip flops I made for her too.

If you would like some like this, message me (email on the side there), comment or head over to my @Home Ninja by Keisha page and order or Convo me :)  Favorite if you want to follow my goings-on.