Boy o boy have I been busy!
The last thing I posted was the barefoot sandals. Those have kept me busy! I've had orders for women and babies. I did a white set of those below and I have an order for 6 more in Earth tones but those aren't due to go out for another year. I did 3 sets of sandals for a newborn and two new hats, an owl and a fox.

Then the big one. As you can see from my new banner, I also worked on a custom ordered Puu and Koenma from Yu Yu Hakusho. These little cuties are at DragonCon in Atlanta this week! They took a considerable amount of time. Puu was easy peasie as I just redid the pattern for him but Koenma was a tough little cookie. I chose to find a pattern for dolls similar. Eventually I decided on
Pocoyo Pattern by Upa! Mi Gurrumin, a paid pattern. The final product measured about a foot tall! The hat I made wider and though it appears shorter, it's not. I folded it up and went that way with it to match Koenma. Arms and legs were loosely tied on and through to the other side so they can be somewhat movable and sit on a shoulder. I used black crochet thread for the lines, ears and red Caron Simply Soft for the sash. Though I wish I had a little darker yarn for his flesh color, I think I really like the dark purple and lighter pink. The hands and feet were adorable!
When everything was ready to be tied off I just fed the yarn down under the skirt and tied it off there to hide the seams!

The only things I would have done differently:
- It never said the face was done in the round and not ended, began again. I do wish I'd have known that.
- I wish I'd had more time to do his eyes rather than just stitching simple lines.
- mayyyyybe I'd have made the hat bigger as well
All in all I was really proud of how it turned out.
Now I'm working on
Shark Booties, also a paid pattern. I'm not happy. My hands are killing me from the tiny stitching. The "mark" and "mark" there are confusing. When you put it all together it doesn't connect exactly right and there are not enough images to show you how to do the heel. The toe on mine doesn't go down and around like theirs does. However, all that being said, it will still turn out to be a super cute set of booties. If I don't get mad at them and throw them and their hook. :p

My wonderful sister decided to send me vast amounts of Sashay yarn many moons ago so I'm trying to think up new ways to use them. Perhaps in a bracelet?

Also I've updated
My Shop to sell 2 more Dr Who Necklaces and one KeyRing. Get them while they're hot. ;)
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